Steph Zimmerman

Career Fair

Front Desk
Wood, steel, paint, paper
Parts [6]: Desk [29” x 65.5” x 37.5”], business cards [2” x 3.5”], pamphlet [11” x 8.5”], hanging logo [21.5” x 72”], framed résumé [11” x 8.5”], infographic [11” x 8.5”]

The shape of the top of the desk (G) seen in Front Desk was derived from the shape of the text boxes in my résumé after they had been arranged together to form one complete shape. Installed on the wall directly behind the desk are two pieces (C): the piece on the right (B) is a copy of my original résumé with the shapes of the text boxes denoted in black; the piece on the left (A) is an infographic that shows how the arranged shape of the textboxes was used to fabricate the desk (G). The shape of the logo (D) hanging above the desk was created by layering all the words of my résumé on top of each other. The words on the business cards (E) were taken from the contact information found on my pre-existing business card. The series of poetic phrases found in the pamphlet (F) were formed from specific words extracted from my original résumé. During the initial opening of Career Fair at the Des Lee Gallery in St. Louis, MO, I networked with gallery visitors (H), offering a overview of my qualifications, as well as my business card.

Symphony No. 1, Op. 1-6: Composition for a Woodwind Trio
Paper, wood, steel, headphones, audio player
Parts [3]: Score (in 7 pieces) [36” x 75”] , framed résumé [11” x 8.5”], audio recording with shelf [shelf dimensions: 1” x 5” x 4”]

In Symphony No. 1, Op. 1-6, I translated my professional résumé into a classical musical score (A) for a woodwind trio (made up of a flute, an oboe and a bassoon). To do this, all letters besides “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “E,” “F,” and “G” were removed from my résumé (B). Each of these letters was then used to designate one of the seven notes found in the A natural minor musical scale (The A natural minor scale is made up of notes “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “E,” “F,” and “G.”). The spaces between each of the letters remaining in my résumé were used to determine the duration of each of the musical notes in the final score. For example, an “A” followed by five spaces in my résumé would be held for five quarter beats in the final musical score (see graphic below). Individual lines in my résumé were assigned to any of the three instruments of the trio. All capitalized letters in my résumé were accented in the final score. All bolded letters in my résumé were marked with a tenuto in the final score. All letters both bolded and capitalized in my résumé were accented and marked with a tenuto in the final score. Gallery visitors could listen to the score being performed via an audio player displayed next to the résumé (C).

Classification (Kingdom Animalia)
Paper, wood
Parts [2]: Framed résumé [11” x 8.5”], one mounted sheet [11” x 8.5”]

To create Classification (Kingdom Animalia), all animal names found in my résumé (B) were extracted and organized into an alphabetized, gridded, infographic (A).

Career Path
Paper, wood, inkjet print
Parts [3]: Infographic [14” x 59”], framed résumé [11” x 8.5”], inkjet print (10.5” x 16”)

To create Career Path, all letters beside “N,” “S,” “E,” and “W” were removed from my résumé (B). These four letters were used to designate each of the four cardinal directions (N = North, S = South, E = East, and W = West). The amount of space between these letters in my résumé was used to determine how far a viewer should travel in each cardinal direction. The distance to be travled was denoted by the length of the arrow above each letter. These directions were translated into a visual map, where every inch on the map corresponded to one mile of actual distance (A). The ending point coordinates on the map (C) mark the final location viewers would end up if they followed the map from the Des Lee Gallery (where Career Fair was first installed). The inkjet print (E) is a photo of the view seen from the location of the ending point coordinates. The print was installed in a section of the gallery away from other two pieces in Career Path (D).